
I am available for media interviews on topics where I have some knowledge including:

  • Making big life decisions
  • Making risky choices
  • Online consumer reviews
  • Carbon and food labels
  • Nudging sustainable decisions
  • Gamification
  • Overconfidence
  • Buying gifts
  • Spending your money wisely

Below is a selection of media interactions I have had, including radio, podcast, and television appearances.

Date Format Topic Details Links
2011-11-05 Radio interview Decision-making I featured on ABC radio News National’s The Science Show discussing how we make decisions and how these decisions might be improved. [Listen]
2013-09-05 Pre-recorded interview Center for Research on Environmental Decisions This video introduces the Center for Research on Environmental Decisions: who the researchers are (including yours truly), and the fascinating issues that we study [Watch]
2014-02-26 Animation Choice architecture The first half of this video summarizes the concept of choice architecture with accompanying visuals to help bring home the message. The second half of this video summarizes some work that I have been doing on translating attributes [Watch]
2015-06-02 Live presentation Choice architecture I was a keynote speaker at the Australia Council for the Arts Marketing Summit. [Watch]
2015-06-21 Pre-recorded interview Information design I discuss how marketers can make better use of information design to add value for consumers. [Watch]
2016-08-18 Live presentation Decision-making I presented at National Science Week about human irrationality. [Listen]
2016-08-24 Radio interview Decision-making I spoke to Red Symons on 774 ABC Melbourne radio about human irrationality. [Listen]
2016-08-24 Radio interview Over-confidence I was invited to 2ser, a community radio station in Sydney, to discuss the topic of overconfidence. [Listen]
2017-04-05 Radio interview Online reviews I spoke about the extent to which you can believe online reviews with Jon Faine on his 774 ABC Melbourne morning program. [Listen]
2017-04-05 Radio interview Online reviews I spoke about the extent to which you can believe online reviews with Ali Clarke on her 891 ABC Adelaide morning program. [Listen]
2017-05-30 Radio interview Online reviews I spoke about online reviews with Kelly Higgins-Devine on her 612 ABC Brisbane afternoon program [Listen][Read]
2018-02-02 Radio interview Online reviews I spoke about the fake online reviews (and restaurants!) with Melinda James on her ABC Illawarra breakfast program. [Listen]
2018-12-18 Radio interview Carbon labelling I spoke about the misperception of food’s carbon footprint with Hamish Macdonald on his ABC Radio National breakfast program. [Listen]
2018-12-18 Radio interview Carbon labelling I spoke about the misperception of food’s carbon footprint with Ali Moore on her 774 ABC morning program.
2018-12-20 Radio interview Carbon labelling I spoke about the misperception of food’s carbon footprintwith Jesse Mulligan on his RNZ afternoon program. [Listen]
2018-12-20 Radio interview Carbon labelling I spoke about the misperception of food’s carbon footprint with Julia Carr-Catzel on her 2ser The Daily show. [Listen]
2019-01-10 Radio interview Carbon labelling I spoke about the misperception of food’s carbon footprint with Victor Petrovic on his 2ser drive program. [Listen]
2019-01-10 Podcast interview Carbon labelling I spoke about the misperception of food’s carbon footprint with I spoke to Natalie Bucknell, Kay Wennagel, and Michael Staindl on their Beyond Zero Emissions podcast. [Listen]
2019-07-11 Podcast interview Collective aggregation I spoke with Nicole Sutton on her Think: Business Futures podcast on 2ser to discuss the collective aggregation effect.
2019-07-11 Radio interview Online reviews I spoke with Geraldine Doogue on her ABC Radio National Saturday Extra show together with Quentin Long, Co-Founder of Australian Traveller Media, about how consumers can try to best use online reviews to inform their decisions. [Listen]
2019-08-13 Radio interview Online reviews I spoke with Wendy Harmer and Robbie Buck on their ABC Radio Sydney Breakfast show, Adam Shirley on his ABC Radio Sydney Breakfast show, and Gillian O’Shaughnessy on her ABC Radio Perth Afternoons show about the prevelance of fake online reviews.
2019-08-17 Radio interview Online reviews I spoke with Christine Anu on her ABC Radio National Evenings show about how consumers use online reviews and how consumers can attempt to spot the fakes.
2019-08-19 Radio interview Online reviews I spoke with John Langer on 3CR Community Radio about who you can trust online. [Listen]
2019-12-09 Television interview Overconfidence I spoke with 10 News about overconfidence by drivers on the road.
2020-12-06 Television interview Gift-giving I spoke on 7’s Weekend Sunrise about how to choose a great gift.
2021-03-01 Radio interview Big Life Decisions I spoke with Sarah Macdonald on her ABC Evenings show about life’s biggest decisions and regrets.
2021-03-02 Radio interview Big Life Decisions I spoke with Tom Mann on his Radio Adelaide breakfast show about life’s biggest decisions and regrets.
2021-03-03 Radio interview Big Life Decisions I spoke with Marlene Even on her 2SER Radio Daily show, and also Gabriel George on his 4ZZZ Radio Know Idea show about life’s biggest decisions and regrets. [Listen][Listen]
2021-03-04 Radio interview Big Life Decisions I spoke with Georgia Stynes on her ABC Canberra Afternoons show about life’s biggest decisions and regrets. [Listen]
2021-03-14 Podcast interview Big Life Decisions I spoke with Nathan Reynolds on his 88.3 Southern FM “Hear and There” podcast about life’s biggest decisions and regrets.
2021-04-13 Podcast interview Big Life Decisions I spoke with Joe Casey on his “The Retirement Wisdom Podcast” about life’s biggest decisions and retirement decisions.
2021-09-15 Podcast interview Big Life Decisions I spoke with Brett McKay on his “Art of Manliness” podcast about life’s biggest decisions. [Listen]
2021-11-21 Podcast interview Big Life Decisions I spoke with James Bullen on the “All in the Mind” podcast about life’s biggest decisions. [Listen]
2022-04-28 Live presentation Big Life Decisions I spoke at the TEDxSydney Ideas Search event about life’s biggest decisions. [Listen]
2022-07-07 Television interview Online reviews I spoke with Emily Rice for a 9News story. [Watch]
2022-11-25 Radio interview Spending money I spoke with Melinda James on her ABC Illawarra Breakfast show and Paul Turton on his ABC NSW Drive show.
2022-11-25 Video interview Spending money I appeared in a segment for Ticker News. [Watch]
2022-11-26 Television interview Spending money I appeared on ABC Television’s Weekend Breakfast program hosted by Johanna Nicholson and Kathryn Robinson. [Watch]
2023-05-08 Podcast interview Gamification I spoke with Linda Nazareth on her “Work and the Future” podcast about gamifying employee reward programs. [Listen]
2024-02-11 Podcast interview Big life decisions I spoke with Lisa Leong on her ABC Radio National “The Working Life” podcast about making decisions like a pro. [Listen]
2024-08-04 Radio interview Gamification I spoke with Eddie Williams on his ABC South East NSW show about gamifying loyalty reward programs.
2024-08-13 Radio interview Gamification I spoke with Trevor Chappell on his ABC Radio Melbourne afternoon show about Temu and gamification.