Presented at the University of Tasmania Behavioural Lab

Last week, I had the great privilege of travelling to Hobart and presenting my research to University of Tasmania Behavioural Lab members. It was great fun to be reunited with my former RMIT University lab mates, Professor Swee-hoon Chuah, Professor Robert Hoffmann, and Dr Ananta Neelim. My talk was about nudging sustainable food choices and …

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New article released on gamification

A new area of interest for me is “gamification”, which is the injection of game elements into non-game contexts to motivate and engage people. I recently had a paper published that discussed how gamification could be used to engage employees. My collaborator on that paper, Ananta Neelim, and I decided to broaden our perspective and …

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Presented at ANZMAC in Dunedin

This week I travelled to New Zealand to attend the 25th edition of the Australian New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference. It was fun to learn that the very first edition of this conference, way back in 1998, was also held at the University of Otago in Dunedin. Apparently, at that first meeting, there were approximately …

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Presented at Psychonomics and SJDM in San Francisco

This week I traveled to San Francisco to attend the Psychonomic Society’s 64th Annual Meeting and the 44th Annual Conference of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making. I arrived in town a couple of days early to put on my tourist shoes. I’ve been to SF multiple times before but nonetheless decided to stretch my …

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Hosted the 2023 UTS Behavioural Lab Conference

This week the UTS Business School, in partnership with the Global Association of Applied Behavioural Scientists (GAABS), hosted the 2023 UTS Behavioural Lab Conference. This year, the ~75 people in the room shared interests and expertise in behavioural science and its potential application to change behaviour in a way that limits our contribution to climate …

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New article out on big life decisions

I am very happy to announce the publication of my latest paper, “An investigation of big life decisions” in the journal Judgment and Decision Making. Special thanks go to Ashleigh Powell, Katherine Newton, Nathan Moore, and Rebecca Dooley for helping me to code up the data. Special thanks also to Alex Kroeger for helping me …

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New postdoc and PhD join the team

A huge welcome to Eunbin O and Nathan Moore who have recently joined me at UTS. At the same time, congratulations and farewell to Ella Bruce who has now completed her PhD and is on her way to bigger and better things. Eunbin will be working for the next 2 years or so on a …

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New article out on how to motivate workers

I am very pleased to announce the publication of my latest paper, “Increasing worker motivation using a reward scheme with probabilistic elements” in the journal Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. This is a joint paper with Katarina Dankova, Jose Ortiz (“Nano!”), and Ananta Neelim. The paper came into existence in 2016 when the RMIT …

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Presented at ANZMAC in Perth

My first visit to Australia’s west-most state took me to Perth to attend the 2022 Australia New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference. The conference theme was “Reconnect & reimagine” as the world started to move on from COVID, which allowed us to see old friends face-to-face for the first time in years. On the afternoon prior …

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Promotion to Associate Professor!

Today, I was so very pleased to learn the outcome of my promotion application: I have been promoted to Associate Professor! Gosh, what a relief! Putting together a promotion application is a lot of effort. I had a full draft 6 months before the due date and revised and revised and revised after gathering feedback …

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