Adrian Camilleri

Author's posts

Giving two talks on translated attributes at the 2013 Marketing & Public Policy Conference in Washington DC

I will be presenting two talks at the Marketing & Public Policy Conference 2013, which is being held in downtown Washington DC between May 30th and June 1st. The first presentation  – Translated Attributes as a Choice Architecture Tool: Trick & Treat – will be part of the session “004. Consumer Responses to How Product Attributes …

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Presenting poster at APS meeting in Washington DC on the DE gap in older adults

Together with Dr. Anna McCarrey, I will be presenting a poster called “The description-experience choice gap is attenuated in older adults” at the 25th APS Annual Convention, May 23-26, 2013 at the Washington Marriott Wardman Park in Washington, D.C., USA. You’ll be able to find us at: Poster Session XV 5/26/2013; 10:00 AM-11:00 AM APS Exhibit Hall …

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Heading to Sydney to give a tour of talks about translated attributes at UNSW, USYD, and UTS.

I will be heading to Sydney in the final week of February and will give a number of repeated talks summarizing the work that I have been part of related to the effect of presenting translated attributes on choice.   You can catch me at any of the following: 2013/02/25: University of Technology, Sydney (marketing group): 2:30pm-4:00pm; Seminar Room, Level …

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Paper examining whether the description-experience gap occurs in the “long run” accepted for publication in Cognition

It has been nearly 2 years since Ben Newell and I started working this paper, and we are now very pleased to have received the news that it will be published in Cognition later this year. The paper is titled: “Does the description-experience gap occur in the long run?”. I will post the paper on the publications …

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Three successful submissions at this year’s Society for Judgment and Decision-making annual meeting in Minneapolis

Quite a successul haul this year! Three projects I am working on have been accepted as talks at this year’s SJDM annual meeting: With Ben Newell: Does the description-experience gap occur in the long run? With Rick Larrick: Metric and scale design as choice architecture tools. With Christoph Ungemach, Eric Johnson, Elke Weber, Rick Larrick: Redundant attributes: …

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Heading to American Marketing Association 2012 summer meeting in Chicago

2012/07/29 – Flights are booked and I am looking forward to the AMA Summer Marketing Educators Conference in Chicago next month.

A chapter is now in press summarizing what I know about the description-experience choice gap.

A chapter about the description-experience gap written with Ben Newell was accepted to be published in a new Progress in Brain Research book due out next year. This is a great summary of our perspective on the field, which we have developed over the last 5 years. I will post the chapter up on the publications …

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Giving a talk at Psychonomic Society 2012 annual meeting in Minneapolis

2012/07/10 – Just heard that I’ll be giving a talk on the description-experience gap at the Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society in Minneapolis this coming November.

Symposium at the Association for Consumer Research 2012 meeting in Vancouver

2012/07/01 – Paper was just accepted for the “Designing Effective Choice Architecture” symposium at the Association for Consumer Research (ACR) conference in Vancouver this coming October. I am doing this exciting research with other members of the Center for Research on Environmental Decision-making.