My colleague, Professor Rob Hoffmann, invited me to co-write an article with him about risk and how it is perceived by behavioural economics compared to traditional economics.
In order to write the piece, we collected a stack of references on a range of topics including definitions of risk, risk perception of different events, cross-cultural differences in risk perception, risk attitudes, risk preference, risky choice at different ages, and biological correlates. There was no way we could fit in everything!
There was a lot of back-and-forth with our editor, Josh Nicholas. Sometimes is can be tricky to explain risky decision-making with interesting and relevant examples. The article developed over a couple of months with several rounds of heavy editing – but I think we got there in the end. The final piece can be read here.
According to the dashboard provided by The Conversation, the article has over 7,000 views and close to 200 shares. That’s a lot more eyeballs than any academic work I’m likely to publish anytime soon so, all-in-all, I think it was a great use of time.