I was very happy to hear that Robert Hoffmann, Marie-Anne Cam, Monica Tan, and I were awarded an Academic Research Grant from the Australian Centre for Financial Studies (ACFS). Our project is titled, “Is More Information Always Better? A behavioural study on superfunds optimal disclosure design”.
In this project, we aim to answer three specific research questions of optimal design of superannuation statements:
- Information Breadth: what information should be presented from the range of available relevant financial indicators?
- Information Depth: for each indicator chosen, how much detail should be provided?
- Information Presentation: what are the most effective information formats and framings?
In order to answer these questions, we’ll be conducting a series of experimental lab studies. As part of these studies, we will administer a battery of individual difference measures including superannuation knowledge, numeracy ability, loss aversion, psychological discount rate, risk attitude, working memory capacity, decision-making style, and personality (i.e., The Big Five)
If you would like to sign up to be a participant, then you can register here. Otherwise, stay turned for project updates!