Category: Publication

My piece on “Information Design” came out this month in Marketing Magazine

RMIT is a content partner of Australia’s Marketing Magazine. I jumped at the opportunity to write a piece on “Information Design”. My article is titled “How marketers construct ‘consumer’ preferences” and came out in the April/May edition, which is now on the shelves. In the piece, I discuss examples of great information design from industry and research (including …

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New chapter on choice architecture

Recently, Rick Larrick and I wrote a chapter/entry on the topic of “choice architecture” for Emerging Trends in the Social and Behavioral Sciences, which is an effort to shape the agenda of theory and research in the social and behavioral sciences in the decades to come.  The piece expresses our views on the most important …

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Time Magazine piece on my recently published experiments on encouraging efficient vehicle choices

This week my paper with Rick Larrick was published in the Spring edition of the Journal of Public Policy & Marketing. The paper, which can be found here, is called “Metric and scale design as choice architecture tools” and discusses a simple way to increase consumer’s preferences for more fuel efficient vehicles: to present the …

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New paper accepted for publication in the Journal of Public Policy and Marketing

Rick Larrick and I have put together an interesting paper called “Scale and metric design as choice architecture tools”, which is forthcoming in the Journal of Public Policy and Marketing. Here is the abstract: There has been a growing interest in using behavioral decision insights to design better product labels. One specific policy target is the fuel economy …

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Paper examining whether the description-experience gap occurs in the “long run” accepted for publication in Cognition

It has been nearly 2 years since Ben Newell and I started working this paper, and we are now very pleased to have received the news that it will be published in Cognition later this year. The paper is titled: “Does the description-experience gap occur in the long run?”. I will post the paper on the publications …

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A chapter is now in press summarizing what I know about the description-experience choice gap.

A chapter about the description-experience gap written with Ben Newell was accepted to be published in a new Progress in Brain Research book due out next year. This is a great summary of our perspective on the field, which we have developed over the last 5 years. I will post the chapter up on the publications …

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